Euroa Saleyards Upgraded And Better Than Ever

Thursday 27 July 2017

Euroa has an upgraded and modernised saleyard thanks to support from the Andrews Labor Government.

Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford today officially opened the completed Stage Two of the Euroa Saleyards Redevelopment project, delivered thanks to a $500,000 grant from the Labor Government.

The upgrade protects the future of the Euroa Saleyards including the 20 jobs dependent on the facility, alongside improving safety for staff and the wellbeing of the livestock.

The Stage Two upgrade included:

  • Relocating overhead power lines
  • Constructing a laneway to improve the transport of cattle between the roofed pens, holding yards, loading bays and scales
  • Finalising roof extensions to cover 32 pens and the scales area
  • Improving water conservation measures including full stormwater capture for reuse within the facility
  • Replacing the concrete floor in the office/meeting room
  • Upgrading the kiosk/office including air-conditioning, exhaust fans, benchtops and vinyl flooring.

The Euroa Saleyards is a major cattle-selling centre for the region with each of the 14 annual sale days generating up to $2 million in sales. The upgraded works will safeguard the sustainability of the saleyards into the future and improve its financial viability by reducing operational costs by $5,000 every year.

The upgrades ensure the saleyards meet European Union accreditation standards, which will increase livestock sale numbers each year. This will attract additional buyers to the Saleyards in a win for local producers and jobs.

The Labor Government supported the Strathbogie Shire to deliver the project, in consultation with the Saleyards Committee and other user groups.

Through its $500 million Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund the Government is supporting initiatives across the state that help make regional Victoria a better place to live, work and do business.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture and Regional Development Jaala Pulford

“Upgrading the Euroa Saleyards ensures more than 38,000 cattle can pass through the saleyards, while also improving critical infrastructure.”

“This upgrade is great news for local producers looking to boost their export potential and great news for jobs.”

Quote attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes

“Upgrading the Euroa Saleyards helps give our livestock producers certainty into the future, and importantly it provides a real confidence boost for associated businesses right across the North East.”