Elevating New Voices For Women And Girls In Sport

Thursday 9 March 2023

The Andrews Labor Government is levelling the sporting playing field for women and girls by enlisting ambassadors to create greater visibility for women and girls in sport and recreation.

Minister for Community Sport Ros Spence launched the Ambassador program at the 2023 Change Our Game International Women’s Day Lunch, attended by more than 800 people.

Ambassadors will use their voice, platforms and networks to champion equality for all women and girls in sport. They will play an important role in advancing the Change Our Game movement for all Victorians and highlight issues that matter most to them.

The inaugural State of Play research, commissioned by the Office for Women in Sport and Recreation, found that four in five people involved in sport, including nine in 10 women, agree that gender inequality remains an issue in sport that needs to be fixed.

The research surveyed the broad sporting community – people who watch, play, volunteer, work or have an interest in sport and active recreation – on their beliefs on key issues when it comes to women and sport, ranging from opportunities for women as leaders, to fair access and feeling safe and respected in community sport.

When it comes to sports media, overwhelmingly spectators are interested in more women getting behind the microphone, with 91 per cent wanting to see more women sport commentators. This is a direction the Labor Government is supporting through the Change Our Game Women in Sports Broadcasting Program, which is open for applications until 20 March.

Other key findings from the research include:

  • Two in five women and men have considered leaving community sport because of the culture of their club
  • More than half of community sport participants have experienced or witnessed gender imbalance and sexist language and jokes
  • Three in five respondents believe men currently have more opportunities to hold senior leadership roles in sporting organisations, including one in two men feeling that way.

Expressions of interest for the Ambassadors Program are open at changeourgame.vic.gov.au until 29 March.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Community Sport Ros Spence

“Victoria is undoubtedly leading the way in levelling the playing field for women and girls.”

“The opportunity to be one of the new Change Our Game Ambassadors will provide a platform for individuals to champion change for all women and girls.”

Quote attributable to Office for Women in Sport and Recreation Director Sarah Styles

“While fantastic progress has been achieved for women and girls in sport and active recreation, now is the time to accelerate our efforts to level the playing field.”

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