Don't Leave Kids in Hot Cars, Even for a Moment

Wednesday 7 January 2015

The warnings that could save a child’s life will be broadcast to car stereos this summer, as the Andrews Labor Government launches a summer advertising blitz about the dangers of leaving kids in hot cars.

Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, joined Minister for Families and Children, Jenny Mikakos, at the Royal Children’s Hospital to launch the new ad campaign, directed at parents of children between the ages 0-5.

The warnings will be broadcast across 11 commercial radio networks and will feature in live reads and credits in sports and news on regional, multicultural and metropolitan radio stations.

The campaign will also feature across digital media, including on weather websites, YouTube advertisements and Facebook promoted posts targeting parents with young children.

Ms Mikakos also informed Victorians that the new, tougher penalties for leaving kids unattended in cars – introduced amid much fanfare by the previous Liberal Government – don’t currently exist.

Under the Children, Youth and Families Amendment (Permanent Care and Other Matters) Act 2014, fines and penalties for leaving a child in a car unattended would increase from $2214 to $3690, and from three months jail to six.

Unfortunately, the previous Liberal Government failed to have the Act proclaimed, so the new laws, fines and penalties are not in effect. The Labor Government has taken immediate action to rectify the issue and have the Act proclaimed.

In a tacit admission of error, the Shadow Attorney-General recently emailed the Minister’s office to detail the previous Liberal Government’s failure and offer the Opposition’s full support for the Labor Government’s efforts to have the Act proclaimed.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children, Jenny Mikakos

“My message to all Victorians is simple: don’t leave children in hot cars – even for a moment.”

“The temperature inside a car on hot days begins to rise as soon as the door closes, and within minutes the temperature inside can be double the temperature outside.”

“When the Liberals’ bungling became clear, the Andrews Labor Government immediately took steps to fix the mess.”

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