Delivering A Healthier Thomson River

Tuesday 11 April 2017

More water will flow through the Thomson River, with the Andrews Labor Government taking the next step in delivering an additional eight gigalitres of water.

The additional water is vital for the health of the heritage-listed Thomson River, and surrounding local communities.

It will also help protect and boost native fish populations, including the Australian grayling, Tupong and Australian Bass, and help increase and diversify plant and animal habitat.

The new water is part of the Labor Government’s plan to invest in and protect the Thomson River, one of Victoria’s priority waterways.

Timing of the water releases is based on scientific advice, including the most appropriate water regime to best maintain and improve the environmental values of the river reaches along the Thomson River.

In line with the Victorian Water Act, the next step is to notify the community and key stakeholders, including an opportunity for local residents to provide feedback. The notification period will last for two weeks, finishing on 25 April 2017.

The Minister will then formally consider the applications and amend the bulk entitlements.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Water Lisa Neville

“The Thomson River is the lifeblood for surrounding communities. It’s too important for us not to act.”

“This extra water will mean a stronger and healthier River for the years to come.”

 “Healthy river flows, better habitat and record fish numbers are all part of our plan for a strong system of waterways.”