Delivering A Great Local School For Bentleigh East

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Families in Melbourne’s south east will get the world-class local school their kids deserve, with a re-elected Andrews Labor Government to build a second campus for McKinnon Secondary College at Bentleigh East.

The school is currently receiving one hundred more applications for Year 7 than there are available places, and this demand is only expected to grow over coming years.

Only Labor will make sure local families can get their kids into this great school and that students have the modern facilities they need, ​with $70 million to build the second McKinnon campus at the East Village development in Bentleigh East.

Under a re-elected Labor Government, the new campus will be a state of the art new vertical school that will increase McKinnon Secondary College’s capacity, allowing between 650 and 1,100 extra students.

The Andrews Labor Government has already delivered $9 million to build a new VCE centre at the existing campus and $4.1 million for design and early work on the second campus, which only Labor will deliver.

Premier Daniel Andrews today joined Member for Bentleigh Nick Staikos at McKinnon Secondary College to inspect the new VCE centre, which incorporates specialist science teaching facilities, senior study and flexible learning areas and classrooms.

The design work the Labor Government funded in the Victorian Budget 2018/19 is now underway, with the exact size and composition of the second campus being finalised.

The project will create around 200 new jobs, with the new campus to open in 2022 under a re-elected Labor Government.

The Liberals didn’t spend a single cent to upgrade McKinnon Secondary College and slashed $1 billion out of our education system, leaving schools to crumble and decay across the state.

The Labor Government has invested more than $3.8 billion to build 70 new schools and upgrade 1,300 schools across the state since coming to office in 2014.

Only Labor will keep delivering for Victorians with more new schools and upgrades to existing schools across the state, including a second campus for McKinnon Secondary College.

Quote attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“Mums and dads in McKinnon and Bentleigh East deserve to know their kids will be able to get a place at a great local secondary school – with this new campus for McKinnon Secondary College, Labor will make sure they do.”

Quote attributable to Member for Bentleigh Nick Staikos

“We promised local families we would deliver a second campus of McKinnon Secondary College, and that is exactly what Labor will deliver with the new school set to open in 2022.”