Congratulations to Victorian Public Service Graduates

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Special Minister of State Gavin Jennings today congratulated graduates completing the Victorian Public Service Graduate Recruitment and Development Scheme at a ceremony at Parliament House.

The 85 graduates completed a year-long intensive learning and development program after being carefully selected from over 2000 applicants.

VPS graduates have qualifications in arts, accounting and finance, economics, humanities and social sciences, business, technology and law.

The graduates have worked across Victorian Government departments and agencies contributing to areas including health, education and transport reform. They will now return to their ‘home’ department to join the ranks of Victoria’s dedicated public servants.

The 2014 cohort includes seven graduates recruited via the Aboriginal Pathway to the VPS GRADS, established in 2012 to increase the number of Aboriginal graduates attracted and recruited to the scheme under the Kareeta Yirramboi Aboriginal Employment Strategy.

The scheme is one of Australia’s longest running graduate recruitment programs, attracting the best and brightest graduates to build successful careers in the public service. Former graduates of the scheme have gone on to fill senior positions including deputy secretaries.

Quotes attributable to Special Minister of State Gavin Jennings

“The Victorian Public Service continues to attract high achieving young professionals to its ranks through the graduate program.”

“This is one of Australia’s longest running graduate recruitment programs, attracting the best and brightest to build successful careers and help shape our state.”

“I wish them luck as they work hard to deliver the high standards that Victorians deserve.”