CFA Volunteers Not Out of Pocket Through Credit Card Cut

Thursday 19 March 2015

Minister for Emergency Services, Jane Garrett, said today that while corporate credit cards have been removed from CFA operational staff, finances of CFA volunteers have not been affected.

Ms Garrett confirmed that volunteers have never been issued with credit cards and their system for out-of-pocket expenses remains unchanged.

If volunteers spend their own money, they are reimbursed through petty cash or by lodging a claim, which is paid electronically to their bank account or via cheque if preferred.

Members of strike teams can apply for a petty cash advance to cover expenses or they can later lodge a claim which will be honoured immediately through electronic fund transfers.

The CFA usually makes arrangements for meals and other associated costs when volunteers are on strike teams.

The cost of fuel is covered by fleet cards which are in trucks and are branded to multiple outlets. Volunteer’s money is not needed to buy fuel for CFA trucks.

When volunteers are responding late at night or on weekends – which may require the purchase of meals – the reimbursement system in place will quickly cover incidental spending.

Quotes attributed to Minister for Emergency Services, Jane Garrett

"The dedication and hard work of our volunteers saves lives and protects property. We have enormous appreciation for them, and will ensure they are not left out of pocket when they turn out to keep our communities safe."

“We are cleaning up an out of control credit card system which allowed for excessive purchases at the expense of taxpayers.”

"A scare campaign about out-of-pocket expenses is not only at odds with the facts – it’s something that the Liberals failed to clean up.”