Building The Education State In Benalla And Mansfield

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Students at Benalla P-12 College are a step closer to getting the facilities they deserve thanks to an $8.5 million upgrade.

Minister for Education James Merlino and Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes today visited the school to inspect plans for the major redevelopment.

Vincent Chrisp Architects have finished a revised master plan for the 940 pupil school, which includes merging the Clarke and Faithful Street campuses and a new senior building for year 10-12 students.

Construction is due to start in mid-2017.

Mr Merlino and Ms Symes also met students and staff at Mansfield Secondary College to discuss plans for a $3.2 million upgrade, which includes a new building for science, maths and general classrooms.

Taylor Oppenheim Architects were appointed to design the project in August, with work expected to start in mid-2017.

Both schools are being upgraded under the Andrews Labor Government record $1.8 billion investment to build new schools and upgrade classrooms across the state.

Mr Merlino and Ms Symes also visited Upper Yarra Secondary College in Yarra Junction to discuss plans for a GP to start working at the school from term one next year, under the Labor Government’s Doctors in Secondary Schools Program.

A local doctor will visit the school for up to one day a week, with students able to get referrals to specialists and the help they need before it affects their studies.

The program will be rolled out progressively in 100 schools around the state from term one, 2017.

Benalla P-12 College is also receiving a GP under the program with the timeline currently being finalised.

The Labor Government is building the Education State so that every local  student gets the opportunity for a great education and every community has access to a great school.

Quote attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino

“A great education starts with great facilities that engage students and encourage them to be creative thinkers – that’s why we’re investing a record $1.8 billion to build new schools and upgrade hundreds of existing schools around the state.”

Quote attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes

We know families in regional Victoria can find it difficult to access healthcare – having a doctor at school will give students reliable healthcare, reduce the pressure on working parents, and help young people identify and address their health concerns early.”