Building Better Schools For Regional Kids

Friday 20 April 2018

Kids in regional Victoria will get the world-class schools they deserve, as the Andrews Labor Government gets on with the job of fixing, upgrading and modernising Victoria’s schools.

Premier Daniel Andrews and Minister for Education James Merlino today visited Ballarat to announce the Victorian Budget 2018/19 will include $180.8 million to build, plan and upgrade 60 regional schools. In Ballarat, $28.6 million alone will go towards building and upgrading schools including:

  • $17.1 million to build the new Lucas P-6, which will accommodate 475 students and open Term 1, 2020
  • $4.5 million to expand Miners Rest Primary School to help it meet a growing population
  • $4 million to upgrade Ballarat High School, including modernising its technology wing
  • $3 million to complete Stage 2 of Mount Clear College’s upgrade, including building a central technical hub and more learning spaces.

This massive boost will upgrade classrooms and school facilities across Victoria, helping teachers and giving more students in regional communities the support they need to get the 21st century education they deserve.

The Victorian School Building Authority will now start working with schools to determine the scope of their upgrades and how they can best be delivered.

The regional school funding package also includes $46 million for planning and building five new school projects in some of Victoria’s fastest growing regional communities, including funding to build Armstrong Creek West Primary School and Lucas Primary School, and to start early works on Armstrong Creek Secondary College.

Planning will also now begin for the new Leneva (Frederic Street) Primary School in Wodonga East and the expansion of Miners Rest Primary School.

The Labor Government is building the Education State so every Victorian student can get a great education and every community has access to a great local school.

This includes an unprecedented $2.8 billion investment to improve classrooms, upgrade facilities and build new schools across the state. This school building boom has delivered more than 1,200 school upgrades and 64 new school projects across the state, supporting more than 5,000 construction jobs for Victorians.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“We’re building and upgrading schools so no matter where you live in Victorian, you have a great local school.”

“This is about giving regional kids the 21st century education they deserve – with the facilities to match.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino

“Building a new primary school in Lucas will ensure we keep pace with the community’s increasing population and give families certainty and peace of mind.”

Quote attributable to Member for Western Victoria Jaala Pulford

“We’re upgrading schools right across Ballarat to make sure they have the best classrooms and the best facilities.”