Breaking The Cycle Of Abuse

Sunday 13 August 2017

The Andrews Labor Government is strengthening treatment services for young people who show sexually abusive or concerning behaviour and present risks to other children.

More than $5.7 million will help 11 agencies across Victoria deliver Sexually Abusive Behaviour Treatment Services for the next three years.

The funding will support services treating young people – to work with the individual, their family, carers, school and community – including an assessment and an appropriate response to address the needs of the child or young person and their family.

Services will treat young people aged 17 years and under – up from 15 years of age – which was a recommendation of the Royal Commission into Family Violence.

These services can run for up to two years, and are accessed voluntarily or as a result of a court order. They also help families and carers to understand and support a child or young person to change their behaviour.

The agencies that will receive funding to deliver services over three years include:

  • The Royal Children’s Hospital - $1.24 million
  • Monash Health – $1.09 million
  • Children’s Protection Society in Melbourne - $690,000
  • Australian Childhood Foundation in Mitcham – $960,000
  • Ballarat Health Services - $280,000
  • Barwon Centre Against Sexual Assault - $350,000
  • Centre Against Violence in West Wodonga - $120,000
  • Gippsland Centre Against Sexual Assault - $380,000
  • Loddon Campaspe Centre Against Sexual Assault - $300,000
  • Mallee Sexual Assault Unit - $220,000
  • South West Healthcare in Warrnambool - $110,000

The Government’s $168 million Roadmap for Reform is shifting the children and family services system from crisis response to prevention and early intervention.

A record $1.9 billion package of measures to end family violence in Victoria was announced in the Victorian Budget 2017/18.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“This is about addressing destructive behaviour from an early age, to ensure we are rehabilitating young people and setting them on the right path.”

“Treatment doesn’t stop with the child. It’s about providing the family and other key people supporting the young person with the right tools to address the problem.”