Box Hill Transit Interchange Chair Announced

Thursday 17 May 2018

The Andrews Labor Government today appointed an independent chair to the passionate committee of local representatives, who will deliver a redevelopment plan for Box Hill station and bus interchange.

Minister for Public Transport Jacinta Allan today announced Knowles Tivendale as chair of the Box Hill Transit Interchange Steering Committee, who will work towards producing a business case for the redevelopment.

The committee will build on the work of the Ministerial Advisory Group, which provided options to the Minister for Public Transport to improve the commercial and transport hub in Melbourne’s east.

The group included local community representatives and was chaired by the Member for Eastern Metropolitan Region Shaun Leane.

The Labor Government has already made a range of upgrades to the interchange, namely adding the Route 201 bus service – a direct link for students and locals between Box Hill Station and Deakin University.

Other upgrades include improving passenger safety in the bus interchange by adding pedestrian crossings and repainting bays, installing better ramps and additional signage to increase accessibility, fixing the roof and downpipes and expanding the presence of staff and security.

Works were also completed in late 2017 to replace old lighting with brighter LED lamps, improving safety and visibility for passengers. The Labor Government will continue further service and infrastructure upgrades at the interchange while a business case is developed.

Mr Tivendale has more than 20 years’ experience in strategic planning and transport integration projects for public sector organisations and government departments.

The Box Hill Transit Interchange Steering Committee will meet monthly with the first meeting on 17 May and are expected to provide a business case and recommendations to government by mid-2019.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Public Transport Jacinta Allan

“We’re looking at the best available options to make Box Hill Station and the wider precinct safer and easier for passengers to use.”

“This experienced and dedicated team will work closely with locals and stakeholders to develop a vision for a better Box Hill interchange.” 

Quotes attributable to the Chair of the Box Hill Transit Interchange Steering Committee Knowles Tivendale

 “I look forward to building on the work of the Ministerial Advisory Group chaired by the Member for Eastern Metropolitan Region Shaun Leane, which provided preliminary options to improve this major commercial and transport hub.

“It’s important we take the time to work with stakeholders and the local community to get the detailed planning right for this significant project and work towards presenting the best options to government to consider in future budgets.”