Boosting Kinder Services In Brunswick

Tuesday 31 July 2018

Brunswick families can now access an upgraded and expanded kindergarten service at Hartnett House Integrated Children’s Centre, thanks to the Andrews Labor Government.

Minister for Early Childhood Education Jenny Mikakos today visited Hartnett House in Brunswick to officially mark the completion of the children centre’s upgrade, and celebrate with the local community on this important milestone.

The $500,000 project has improved the centre’s laundry facilities and toilets, boosted its kitchen capacity and seen new windows installed throughout the building.

The upgrade also involved improvements to the central staff room, revising the canopy at the centre’s entrance for additional cover and improving play areas with additional fencing for better supervision.

Internal remodeling has also extended the community and education space available.

The completion of the upgrade also boosts the kitchen to full capacity, with the addition of a new dry store, improving serviceability following an increase to 126 places at the centre in recent years.

The Labor Government contributed $350,000 towards the upgrade, with $150,000 also provided by service operator Melbourne City Mission.

The Labor Government is investing a record $123.6 million to build, expand and improve early years infrastructure across Victoria to ensure local families can continue to access great local kindergartens.

Brunswick families are set to benefit from the Government’s $202.1 million Education State Early Childhood Reform Plan, which provides strong support in early childhood so kids are ready for kinder, ready for school and ready for life.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Early Childhood Education Jenny Mikakos

“I am delighted that our investment in this further upgrade of Hartnett House provides great facilities for local families.”

“Participating in early childhood services and kinder makes a big difference to children’s lives, and we’re working to ensure all Victorian children get the benefit of these programs.”

Quote attributable to Member for Northern Metropolitan Nazih Elasmar

“Our unprecedented investment in early childhood services across Victoria is helping children and families – including those in Brunswick – access the quality early years programs they need to thrive.”