Boosting Jobs And Investment In The Latrobe Valley

Thursday 27 September 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is backing a significant expansion of a leading Latrobe Valley company that will create new jobs and boost the local economy.

Minister for Industry and Employment Ben Carroll today visited Greenham’s Moe facility to announce funding from the Labor Government’s Regional Jobs Fund that will allow the company to undertake a significant expansion.

The company will use the funding to expand its meat processing facility, increase its production capacity and boost its export revenue – creating 170 new jobs.

This includes upgrading existing processing systems, extending the boning room chains and floor space, and purchasing new chiller and latest technology freezing equipment and new packaging and conveyor systems.

Training and employment of the company’s staff have also been supported through FGM Consultants, a Jobs Victoria provider.

Greenham Gippsland Pty Ltd is a sixth-generation meat processing business which sources livestock from over 4,000 suppliers across Australia. The company supplies premium beef products for both domestic and international markets under brands which include Cape Grim, Pure Black Natural Angus and Greenham Tasmania Natural Beef.

Mr Carroll also used the visit to announce funding for four local businesses which will result in an additional 26 jobs being created in the region.

The companies include Executive Media, Neptune Apparel, JH Cuthbertson and GSE Health. The grants from the Latrobe Valley Economic Facilitation Fund will result in $3.49 million worth of private investment for the region.

The Labor Government has helped create more than 1,100 new jobs and helped generate more than $99.6 million of private investment in the Latrobe Valley.

In addition to the Fund, the Government’s $266 million transition package for the Latrobe Valley is supporting economic growth and creating new jobs.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Industry and Employment Ben Carroll

“We said we’d stick with and support the Latrobe Valley and we’ve delivered on our promise.”

“While the Liberals and Nationals are only interested in cuts, closures and big corporations – we’re supporting local jobs and local businesses, so they can boost the Latrobe Valley’s economy.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Eastern Victoria Harriet Shing

“I’m so proud to be part of a government that has stuck to its word – delivering good jobs for locals and making sure local businesses are supported.”

“We’ve stuck with the Valley through thick and thin and that’s exactly what we’ll continue to do – delivering for locals now and into the future.”