Boosting Aboriginal Participation in Kinder

Thursday 19 March 2015

Minister for Families and Children, Jenny Mikakos today launched a campaign to get more Aboriginal children to start three and four-year-old kindergarten this year.

Aboriginal children are under-represented in Victorian preschools with 79.6 per cent participating in four-year-old kindergarten compared to 96.4 per cent of children state-wide.

The kinder year started in February, but it is not too late for Aboriginal children to join their local program. Three and four-year-old kindergarten is free for Aboriginal children.

The Koorie Kids Shine at Kindergarten campaign sends a clear message to Aboriginal families that it is not too late to enrol their children and ensure they benefit from free, quality learning programs in the two years before school.

Kindergarten is a key step in a child’s life and is proven to build their learning abilities as well as their communication, emotional and social skills.

Parents of children from Aboriginal backgrounds are encouraged to talk with their child’s kindergarten teacher about their culture and beliefs and how these can be included in their child’s learning.

The Andrews Labor Government campaign includes direct engagement with local government and support services in areas with higher numbers of Aboriginal families.

Aboriginal families can enrol their children in 15 hours per week of free three and four-year-old kindergarten by contacting their local Aboriginal Engagement Support Officer.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Families and Children, Jenny Mikakos

“With term one coming to a close, parents may think it’s too late to enrol their child in free kindergarten – but it’s not.”

“There are kindergarten places available across the state for Aboriginal children at no cost - and I am committed to working with local councils and services to enrol as many children as soon as possible.”