A Bigger, Better Roy Dore Reserve For Carrum

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Families in Carrum will be able to rely on great local sporting facilities, with a re-elected Andrews Labor Government to deliver $3.2 million towards the redevelopment of Roy Dore Reserve.

But to make sure work on the project can start straight away, the Andrews Labor Government will also kick-in an immediate boost of $800,000 from its $180 million Community Sports Infrastructure Fund.

The $800,000 will fund a new female friendly pavilion complete with four female friendly change rooms, accessible shower and change amenities, umpire change rooms and public toilets.

Recognising the role of the reserve in hosting community celebrations and events, funds will also go towards building a new kitchen, function room, kiosk and office space.

The extra $3.2 million, delivered under a re-elected Labor Government, will go towards a new tennis pavilion and courts for the Longbeach Tennis Club, new lights for Oval One, upgraded lights for Oval Two, new scoreboards for both ovals and an upgrade of fencing and landscaping.

Minister for Sport John Eren and Member for Carrum Sonya Kilkenny today announced the funding, meeting will representatives from the City of Kingston and local sporting clubs.

With nearly 1500 local users – including more than 560 women and girls – the Ray Dore Reserve is home to local clubs including the Carrum Cricket Club, the Carrum Patterson Lakes Football Netball Club, the Melbourne Thunder Touch Rugby and local institutions like Radio Carrum.

Despite being well-loved by the Carrum community, the reserve’s 50-year-old clubrooms have seen better days and its lack of female friendly facilities, as well as its significant accessibility issues, limiting the number of locals who can access and use the space.

Alongside the City of Kingston’s $4 million for the upgrade, this funding from a re-elected Labor Government will help make the Roy Dore Reserve better than ever.

The commitment builds on the Labor Government’s investment in grassroots sporting opportunities – the biggest in Victoria’s history – with $420 million dedicated to community sports.

Minister Eren acknowledged the Kingston City Council, AFL Victoria and the Carrum Patterson Lakes Sports Club for their commitment and financial contribution to the project.

Quote attributable to Minister for Sport John Eren

“Community sports is all about bringing people together. With this investment, we’ll help make Carrum’s sporting clubs – and local community – stronger than ever.”

Quote attributable to Member for Carrum Sonya Kilkenny

“Whether it’s watching the mighty Carrum Patterson Lakes’ Lions or a kick to kick on the weekend, I know how much this upgrade will mean to local families.”