Ballarat Health Service Shares In $6 Million Boost For Victoria’s Aged Care Homes

Wednesday 8 July 2015

On a visit to Ballarat today, Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing, Martin Foley announced health services across the state will share in close to $6 million of new grants to help public aged-care facilities deliver the best possible care, now and into the future.

More than $4 million of the state-wide funding boost will go to vital refurbishments so public sector aged care facilities can meet modern, contemporary standards and provide better and safer living conditions for residents.

To help provide the highest quality care, $970,000 will be delivered to buy specialised medical equipment such as electronic beds, pressure-relieving mattresses, electronic shower chairs, mobility aids, lifting equipment, and diagnostic and treatment equipment.

A $301,000 funding boost will see more than 250 nurses working in rural public aged care facilities receive training in the comprehensive health assessment of older people, while another $639,400 is earmarked to strengthen business operations ensuring services are sustainable into the future.

Ballarat Health Service will receive $600,000 for the Geoffrey Cutter Centre Refurbishment. The project involves the redesign and refurbishment of resident ensuites and installation of split system air conditioning with individual controls to each resident’s room. This project will improve the function, amenity and safety of these areas for residents.

The health service will also receive $4,300 for training of aged care nurses.

Victoria has 182 public residential aged care facilities across Victoria providing about 5,800 places, about 86 per cent of them in rural and regional towns.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing, Martin Foley

 “The Andrews Labor Government is committed to supporting people to access local quality aged care homes and services in regional and rural Victoria – and are now investing in the future of public aged care facilities.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Buninyong, Geoff Howard

“State-owned aged care facilities play a vital role in providing care for vulnerable Victorians. This investment at the Geoffrey Cutter Centre will deliver improvements to the comfort and care of its residents.”