Attorney-General Welcomes Chinese Legal Delegation

Thursday 1 September 2016

Attorney-General Martin Pakula today welcomed a Chinese legal delegation from Victoria’s sister province of Jiangsu, whose delegates are participating in this year’s Sir Zelman Cowen Centre legal education program.

The 24-strong delegation of mid-career lawyers is taking part in the eight-week training program at Victoria University.

The program will introduce them to the principles of Australian law through a series of lectures from Australian lawyers and business people. It will include visits to law firms, companies and relevant government agencies.

The delegates will also be encouraged to develop ongoing local networks and to identify business opportunities in Australia.

As part of their itinerary, the delegates will visit the Melbourne Commercial Arbitration and Mediation Centre to learn more about the Victorian legal industry's expertise in resolving national and international commercial disputes.

The centre is a joint initiative of the Victorian Government, the Supreme Court of Victoria, the Victorian Bar and the Law Institute of Victoria. The centre’s premises can be used for domestic and international commercial arbitrations and mediations.

The education program is also an opportunity for Australian lawyers to gain a better understanding of Chinese culture and legal systems from the delegates.

Quotes attributable to Attorney-General Martin Pakula

“I am pleased to welcome the Jiangsu delegation to Victoria and I congratulate them on being chosen for this program.”

“This program recognises the delegates’ skills and dedication to the legal profession, and gives them a better understanding of Australian law.”

“We established a sister state relationship with Jiangsu province almost 40 years ago and this is a mutually beneficial program which builds local and international networks.”