Additional Disaster Assistance Available For Victoria Following Floods

Friday 7 October 2016

Minister for Justice Michael Keenan and Victorian Minister for Emergency Services James Merlino today announced that additional disaster assistance has been activated for 12 new local government areas in response to floods affecting Victoria.

Minister Keenan said the Australian and Victorian Governments are committed to working together to ensure communities across the state have they assistance they need to recover.

“Through the jointly-funded Commonwealth-State Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA), we are activating assistance measures to support flood affected communities,” Mr Keenan said.

“As heavy rainfall and flooding impacts properties and essential public infrastructure, we are providing additional assistance to help local councils in their recovery efforts.”

As well as funding for the councils, relief payments are also available to eligible individuals affected by the floods within the 12 new affected areas of Alpine, Benalla, Campaspe, Gannawarra, Greater Shepparton, Indigo, Mansfield, Swan Hill, Towong, Wangaratta, Wodonga, and Yarra Ranges.

Disaster assistance has now been activated for a total of 39 councils across Victoria affected by the floods.

The activation of NDRRA allows councils and state government agencies to apply for funding to help cover counter disaster operations such as sandbagging and construction of temporary levees, and the restoration of essential public assets such as roads and stormwater infrastructure.

Minister Merlino said NDRRA assistance will be extended to other areas as required.

“Assistance is available to support people who are suffering personal hardship, as well as funding for local councils to help with the cost of cleaning up and restoring damaged essential public assets,” Mr Merlino said.

“Anyone who has been affected by the flooding should call the Victorian Emergency Recovery Information Line on 1300 799 232 for assistance.”

Re-establishment grants of up to $32,500 per household are also available to eligible individuals in the flood affected Southern Grampians and Buloke Shire areas.

The 39 local government areas receiving NDRRA assistance are now: Alpine, Ararat, Ballarat, Benalla, Greater Bendigo, Buloke, Campaspe, Central Goldfields, Colac Otway, Corangamite, Gannawarra, Glenelg, Greater Shepparton, Golden Plains, Hepburn, Hindmarsh, Horsham, Indigo, Loddon, Macedon Ranges, Mansfield, Melton, Mitchell, Moira, Moorabool, Mount Alexander, Moyne, Northern Grampians, Pyrenees, Swan Hill, Southern Grampians, Surf Coast, Towong, Wangaratta, Warrnambool, West Wimmera, Wodonga, Yarra Ranges and Yarriambiack.

Information regarding disaster assistance available can be found on the Vic Emergency website at  or the Australian Government’s Disaster Assist website at