Abbott Government Launches Another Attack On Workers

Monday 30 March 2015

Despite denying attempts to cut Victorians' penalty rates, Federal Minister for Employment, Eric Abetz, has announced yet another federal inquiry into the issue.

Mr Abetz said the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Education and Employment would be asked to look into ‘inhibitors to employment for small business’.

Committee Chair and Liberal Member Ewan Jones was even more explicit, confirming that the inquiry would examine penalty rates.

The latest inquiry comes after the Abbott Government's earlier attempts to argue that penalty rates were off the table, despite requesting the Productivity Commission to review pay and conditions for employees.

Victorian Minister for Industrial Relations, Natalie Hutchins, said this was yet another attempt by the Abbott Government to attack the state's lowest paid and most vulnerable workers.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Industrial Relations, Natalie Hutchins

“The Abbott Government is using the cold veil of committees and inquiries to launch yet another attack on penalty rates.”

"The Andrews Labor Government will stand up to Tony Abbott on wages and conditions.”

“We understand how much penalty rates mean to workers, and we’ll fight to protect them.”