426,800 Jobs Created In Four Years – Highest In The Nation

Thursday 20 December 2018

New data shows Victoria is again leading the nation, with nearly 427,000 jobs created by the Andrews Labor Government during its first term – nearly 300,000 of them full-time.

New labour force figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) show more than 30,000 jobs were created in the past month alone – more than anywhere else in the country for November and the largest monthly increase in employment since October 2016.

Remarkably, Victoria’s jobs growth in November contributed more than 80 per cent of all jobs created throughout the Australia.

By comparison, employment in New South Wales during the same period decreased by 12,600 people.

A total of 103,800 jobs were created in Victoria in the twelve months to November this year – more than 80 per cent were full-time roles.

Today’s stunning result of 426,800 jobs in the past four years is more than three times the number of jobs created under the previous Liberal government.

Victoria’s unemployment rate has also fallen 2.1 percentage points since November 2014 and currently sits at 4.6 per cent – well below the national average of 5.1 per cent.

The youth unemployment rate also fell to 11.8 per cent in November and has fallen by a total of 2.8 percentage points since November 2014.

Quotes attributable to Treasurer Tim Pallas

“After four years of getting things done – the Andrews Labor Government has created more jobs than anywhere else in the nation.”

“These outstanding results are more than just a boost to the growing Victorian economy – every one of these jobs is supporting families and communities across the state.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Jobs Martin Pakula

“We said we’d get Victorians back to work and this data shows that’s exactly what we’ve done.”

“Today’s figures represent sustained job growth, supported by our investments in a stronger economy that benefits all Victorians.”