320 Jobs Created At Costco’s New Moorabbin Airport Store

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Industry Minister Lily D’Ambrosio today cut the ribbon on the new $35 million Costco warehouse at Moorabbin Airport.

The 14,000 square metre warehouse on Chifley Drive will deliver around 320 jobs, and create a further 225 indirect jobs.

The Andrews Labor Government provided support for Costco to get the necessary Federal Government planning approval for the new store to be built at Moorabbin Airport.

The Labor Government is committed to attracting investment to Victoria to drive economic growth and create jobs through its Back to Work agenda.

The retail sector is one of the biggest employers in the state, employing over 300,000 Victorians.

Victoria’s annual retail turnover of almost $70 billion accounts for more than 20 per cent of gross state product.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Industry Lily D’Ambrosio

“The opening of the new Costco warehouse in Moorabbin is a $35 million boost to the Victorian economy that will improve choice and competition for Victorian and create hundreds of new jobs.”

“Melbourne is already the fashion capital of Australia and we are determined to make Victoria the retail capital by working with companies like Costco to facilitate investment in the state and create new jobs for Victorians.”