$10.5 Million Investment In Better Waste Management

Thursday 22 October 2015

The Andrews Labor Government will invest over $10.5 million in the next three years to improve waste management and resource recovery across the state.

Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville today announced a package of measures to cut the amount of waste going to landfill, reduce litter and encourage innovation in the Victorian resource recovery sector.

Victoria’s population continues to grow and with it, the amount of waste that is generated. Technological advancements and changing community consumption patterns also mean the type of waste we generate is changing.

The Labor Government is working to deliver a waste and resource recovery system that maximises waste avoidance and resource recovery, and uses landfill only to dispose of materials which can’t be cost-effectively re-used or recovered.

This funding complements more strategic and longer term infrastructure planning currently underway through the Statewide Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan and regional implementation plans.

The investment package includes funding to help reduce the amount of waste going to landfill by supporting organics recovery projects, reducing household waste, assisting businesses to identify waste reduction and resource efficiency opportunities, and stimulating reprocessing and end markets for recoverable materials.

The package will also deliver a Victorian Litter Plan, along with grants to encourage innovative approaches to deal with litter across the state and funding to reduce litter impacts on the Yarra River and Port Phillip Bay.

Quotes attributable to Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Water, Lisa Neville

“As the state’s population grows we need to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill, find ways to reduce litter and encourage the development of new industries that recycle the things we used to throw away.”

“This $10.5 million funding package is part of our commitment to reducing our dependence on landfill and supporting new resource recovery industries.”

“We want to stimulate re-processing and end markets for recyclable materials while cutting litter and improving the way we manage landfills.”