10 Years Of Honouring Victoria’s Health Volunteers

Monday 12 February 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is calling for nominations to recognise the outstanding work of Victorian volunteers who make a real difference to the health and wellbeing of others.

Now in their 10th year, the 2018 Minister for Health Volunteer Awards will be presented at a special ceremony in late May.

This year, for the first time, nominations are invited from individuals as well as healthcare services for these awards that celebrate volunteering and its significant contribution to public healthcare in Victoria.

They highlight individuals who volunteer to support the health and wellbeing of those around them. They recognise the professionalism and innovation of volunteers across all areas of healthcare such as hospitals, ambulance services, community health, mental health and aged care.

Nominees can include individuals, teams or groups who selflessly give their time to make a difference to someone else or to a community. This could be as simple as spending time with patients at their bedside, through to promoting awareness and advocating for better care and services.

Past volunteers have been honoured for their compassionate patient care, helping people to stay well and embrace healthier lifestyles and supporting the vulnerable and marginalised to better access services.

This year’s awards will recognise volunteering excellence across six categories:

  • Outstanding achievement by a young volunteer
  • Outstanding lifetime achievement
  • Outstanding achievement by a volunteer: Better Care Victoria innovation award
  • Outstanding achievement by a volunteer: Supporting diversity
  • Outstanding achievement by a volunteer: Improving public healthcare
  • Outstanding achievement by a volunteer: Improving the patient experience

In addition, the Victorian Health Volunteers Honour Roll recognises volunteers who have given 50 years of service. Everyone who has contributed 50 years or more volunteering in public healthcare is eligible to be on the Honour Roll.

Nominations are now open and will close on Sunday, 4 March. For more information or to nominate a volunteer visit www.health.vic.gov.au/volunteerawards.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health Jill Hennessy

“This year marks the 10th anniversary of the important volunteer awards that recognise the outstanding contribution made by Victorians in our health system.”

“The work of these volunteers is often above and beyond and I thank them greatly for their tremendous efforts.”

Quote attributable to Parliamentary Secretary for Health, Carers and Volunteers Gabrielle Williams

Volunteers are an integral part of the health system – they provide transport, promote healthy living, organise fundraising activities, support patients through their illness and deliver personal care.”