Shaping The Future Of Our Mallee Region

Thursday 3 November 2016

Mallee locals now have an unprecedented chance to shape the future of their region.

Minister for Regional Development, Jaala Pulford, today announced the start of online consultation for the Mallee Regional Partnership community ahead of their first Regional Assembly to be held in Mildura on December 1.

A new website recently launched by the Andrews Labor Government will give rural and regional Victorians the chance to share their ideas about local opportunities and challenges across every government portfolio.

Each of the nine Regional Partnerships will host an assembly involving at least 100 people, including community members, Members of Parliament and local government coming together to discuss priorities for each region.

Following the Assemblies, each Partnership will deliver key recommendations straight into the heart of government through the new Rural and Regional Ministerial Committee made up of seven members of Cabinet and chaired by Ms Pulford.

The Mallee Regional Partnership includes the shires of Buloke and Gannawarra, as well as the rural cities of Mildura and Swan Hill.

Population attraction, retention and enhancing the liveability of small towns, supporting farmers dealing with the impact of climate change, the modernisation of the region’s irrigation infrastructure and addressing health and education issues, could be among the matters addressed by the Mallee Regional Partnership.

Mallee community members can register their interest in attending the assembly via the website, as well as having their say through online polls and forums.

Be part of the conversation by visiting

Quote attributable to the Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford

“Rural and regional Victorians are passionate and keen to develop their regions. We hope they’ll embrace this opportunity to be part of Victoria’s first Regional Assemblies.”

Quotes attributable to Mallee Regional Partnership Chair Winifred Scott

“I’m looking forward to the Mallee Regional Assembly and we’re hoping that a good cross section of community members will attend.” 

“Register your interest in attending our assembly and provide input by contributing your ideas online.  We want to make sure that we hear the ideas and opinions of all in our community.”