Seventy School Vaccine Pop-Ups Finish Top Of The Class

Friday 12 November 2021


The Victorian Government’s school pop-up vaccination program has helped thousands of Victorians get vaccinated, with pop-ups this weekend at Alkira Secondary College, Cranbourne North and Brookside College P-9, Caroline Springs marking the completion of the highly successful program.

In September, the Government announced a state-wide community pop-up vaccination program, including 70 metropolitan and regional school pop-ups bringing vaccines to areas that needed them most.

The program has delivered more than 34,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses, including 15,000 first doses and 19,000 second doses.  

These pop-ups helped protect VCE students before their exams and made it easier for people 12 and over to get vaccinated, while Victorians with disabilities were given priority access at more than 90 per cent of sites.

The Government joined with GPs, community health services and local public health units and formed strong partnerships with local government, small business and industry, emergency services, surrounding schools and early learning services, sporting clubs, faith-based organisations and culturally and linguistically diverse groups to ensure these pop-ups were a convenient and accessible option for Victorians.

The Government continues to make it easier for Victorians to get vaccinated by focusing on areas and community groups that need support to get this life-saving vaccine.

Thanks to everyone who has rolled up their sleeve, Victoria is on track to hit our target of 90 per cent of people aged 12 years and over fully vaccinated.

We expect to hit this milestone by 24 November, which will see a significant easing of restrictions, including caps and density limits removed in all settings and masks mandatory in only some high-risk indoor settings. 

Victoria continues to lead the way on vaccines, delivering more than 4.75 million doses through state-run services - more than anywhere else in Australia.  

To book your vaccine today or find a walk-in centre, visit for more information. Victorians can also book an appointment through their GP or pharmacy.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health Martin Foley

“This program has successfully helped thousands of Victorians get vaccinated and now we are on track to hit 90 per cent double dose vaccinated and return to normal life for those who are fully vaccinated.”

“If you are not vaccinated yet, please do so to protect yourself, your family, friends and the entire community.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino

“We have delivered what we set out to do by running 70 school pop-ups to make vaccination easily accessible to students, teachers, families and communities.”

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