Second Round Of Quality Blitz To Target High Risk Qualifications

Thursday 11 February 2016

The Andrews Labor Government’s quality blitz is turning its attention to providers who deliver training in high risk qualifications, to give students certainty the qualification they receive is worth the paper it is written on.

The second round of the Labor Government’s quality blitz is focusing on a number of key concerns including high risk qualifications like security training, early childcare education and building and construction courses.

Investigations will also focus on courses with short durations, providers with high student withdrawal rates and other anomalies in data reported to the Department of Education and Training.

Twelve providers, including six RTOs who offer Early Childhood Education and three who offer Building and Construction courses, are currently under scrutiny as part of the second round of the blitz.

At the same time, more than $12 million in Government funding is being withheld while investigations are underway.

The Labor Government’s quality blitz has already started to clean up the state’s training system with ten providers having their government-funded contracts terminated under the blitz.

Since the blitz began in July last year, 43 investigations have commenced and $30 million in funds are now in the process of being recovered.

We’re spending an additional $39 million over the next three years, including the $9 million quality blitz, to ramp up quality checks and investigate providers who aren’t giving Victorian students the skills they need to get and retain jobs.

It is now time for the Turnbull Government to stop dancing around the issue of quality in the federal training system, in particular VET FEE-HELP, and follow the Labor Government’s lead in cracking down on rogue training providers.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert

"The Andrews Labor Government is working to restore student and employer confidence in the training system, something the former Liberal Government couldn’t achieve."

"Students should receive the training they need to do their jobs properly like building our homes and looking after our children."

"Every Victorian no matter their circumstances should be able to access quality training with confidence their qualification is worth the paper it is printed on."