Saying Thanks To Our Paramedics

Monday 14 September 2015

Minister for Ambulance Services Jill Hennessy today joined Victorians to pay tribute to the extraordinary dedication and lifesaving skills of Victoria’s paramedics.

As part of the launch of Victoria’s inaugural ‘Thank a Paramedic Day’, Minister Hennessy met with families as they were reunited with the paramedics who saved their lives.

Mother of three, Colleen Constante, gave birth prematurely to baby Lucas last year. After he became unresponsive, paramedics began CPR and today Lucas is a thriving 18 month old toddler.

Colleen and her husband Rob were reunited today for the first time with one of the attending paramedics to express their gratitude.

Also joining in ‘Thank a Paramedic Day’ was opera singer Stacey Alleaume, who was injured in a freeway car collision along with her husband and daughter, Neil Soullier who suffered a heart attack in May, and 9 year old Marcus Necovska who was delivered by paramedics – including one named Marc – on the Tullamarine Freeway.

‘Thank a Paramedic Day’ gives all Victorians the opportunity to show their appreciation for paramedics through social media.

Messages of thanks will be passed on to paramedics as a reminder of the remarkable difference they make to people’s lives every day.

Victorians can participate in ‘Thank a Paramedic Day’ by sharing stories, photos and messages on Ambulance Victoria’s Facebook page, via Twitter (@ambulance_vic), or on Instagram (@ambulance_victoria) using the hash tag #ThanksAmbos.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Ambulance Services Jill Hennessy

“On behalf of all Victorians, I want to say a massive thank you to all of our hardworking and inspirational paramedics.”

“Our paramedics dedicate their lives to saving and treating and caring for others. They truly are heroes and we thank them today, and every day.”

“I encourage all Victorians to participate in ‘Thank a Paramedic Day’. Jump online and share your messages of thanks so our paramedics know just how much we appreciate them.”