Safety Message To Reach Regional Victorian Schools

Friday 28 June 2019

Regional Victoria’s next generation of drivers will have access to a world-leading road safety education experience with the launch of a new in-school program.

The Road to Zero regional in-school program is a mobile version of the Road to Zero road safety education complex at Melbourne Museum and will visit schools in isolated parts of the state.

The program features highly interactive and immersive technology to engage students on road safety, human vulnerability and ways young people can reduce their personal risk before they get their driver’s license.

Over the past five years, 20 per cent of drivers who died on regional Victorian roads were aged 18 to 25 – despite making up only around 10 per cent of licence holders.

The free road safety program will be available to schools located more than a two-hour drive from Melbourne that are not able to visit the permanent Road to Zero complex.

Primarily targeting years 9, 10 and 11 students, the mobile Road to Zero program will engage with more than 5000 secondary school students from regional and remote Victoria each year.

The program focuses on the role of speed in crashes, the importance of safety technology in vehicles and safe road infrastructure as well as human vulnerability and personal risk.

Museums Victoria will deliver the regional in-school program and, as well as the interactive educational experience, students will complete practical activities that address health and science curriculums.

Road to Zero, and the $55 million education complex at Melbourne Museum is part of the Andrews Labor Government’s $146million Young Driver Safety Package.

So far this year, more than 45,000 people have visited the Road to Zero, which is free and open to the public. This includes more than 3000 secondary school students and more than 1700 younger children and their parents as part of school holiday programs.

Quotes attributable to Jaala Pulford Minister for Roads and Minister for Road Safety and the TAC

Young people in regional Victoria are more likely to experience road trauma, so we’re making sure they have access to the very best road safety information no matter where they live.”

“The Road to Zero program brings to life the risks and reality of road trauma and we’re bringing the program to kids the length and breadth of the State.”

Quote attributable to Samantha Cockfield TAC Lead Director Road Safety

 “The earlier we can start a conversation around road safety – in classrooms, at home, and amongst peers, the better equipped young Victorians will be to use the roads safely.”