Round Tables Advance New Aboriginal Jobs Strategy

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Regional Aboriginal employment round tables to be held across Victoria in coming weeks will provide Aboriginal Victorians with the ability to guide the development of a new plan to boost training and job opportunities.

The first of nine round tables was held in Gippsland today. The round tables bring together each region’s local Aboriginal community including Traditional Owners, employment and training organisations, and government representatives to identify local employment opportunities.

The roundtables aim to ensure local skills, labour, and training challenges are identified and addressed in the next Victorian Aboriginal Employment and Economic Strategy.

Insights from the round tables will be presented to the Victorian Aboriginal Employment and Economic Council (VAEEC) for consideration as the VAEEC develops the next version of the strategy.

Today’s round table in Bairnsdale will be followed tomorrow by a round table in Morwell with sessions in Ballarat, Bendigo, Mildura, Geelong, Warrnambool, Wodonga and Shepparton to come.

The Andrews Labor Government is committed to supporting Aboriginal self-determination and recognises the importance of employment and economic prosperity to achieving this.

The VAEEC includes a 20-person-strong Koori Caucus, and the round table discussions will be led by an experienced Aboriginal Victorian facilitator. The new Victorian Aboriginal Employment and Economic Strategy is set to be launched later this year.

The Labor Government is leading the nation to achieve self-determination for Aboriginal people and continues to work with the First Peoples’ Assembly to set a framework for Treaty negotiations, and this month set the terms of reference for the Yoo-rrook Justice Commission, which will have the power of a Royal Commission.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Employment Jaala Pulford 

“Victoria’s First Nations people – particularly those in regional areas – need access to sustainable jobs and training opportunities as the economy continues to recover.”

“We also know that a self-determining approach, with the government’s support, is the best way forward for Aboriginal Victorians.”

Quote attributable to Acting Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Ingrid Stitt

“These regional round tables will ensure local challenges and opportunities are respectively addressed and harnessed as we move towards a new Victorian Aboriginal Employment and Economic Strategy.”

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