Rosedale Highway Intersection Set For Much-Needed Fix

Friday 23 June 2017

A dangerous intersection in Rosedale that has seen trucks crash into the barrier surrounding the local pub on numerous occasions is set to be completely redesigned.

Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport and Federal Member for Gippsland Darren Chester said the upgrade of the Princes Highway/Lyons Street roundabout would improve freight efficiency and make the intersection safer for all road users, including pedestrians.

“Community consultation has informed the redevelopment of the roundabout which currently requires eastbound highway traffic to make a sharp left-hand turn, making it difficult for truck drivers to move into the right lane to continue towards Sale,” Mr Chester said.

“The new design will separate the two eastbound lanes by introducing a free-flowing left-turn lane, removing the need for heavy vehicles to deal with other traffic on the roundabout, and ensuring a more effective and safer passage through Rosedale.”

Victorian Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan said the works would also improve pedestrian safety, in particular for patrons of the Rosedale Hotel, which is situated on the corner of the intersection.

“The new design will also involve the widening of the roundabout to ensure safe passage through the intersection,” Mr Donnellan said.

“Works are scheduled to begin next week through landscaping works and the relocation of monuments. Construction on the roundabout itself is anticipated to start in early 2018.

The project is jointly funded with the Australian Government committing $1.045 million under the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Programme and the Victorian Government contributing $1.045 million.