Revitalising Streetscapes In Mount Alexander Shire

Monday 23 May 2022

The Andrews Labor Government is backing streetscape works in six locations across Mount Alexander Shire to make them more accessible and appealing to locals and visitors alike.

Minister for Regional Development and Member for Macedon Mary-Anne Thomas today visited Taradale, which was among the six recipients to share in $1.9 million from the Labor Government’s Regional Infrastructure Fund.

The upgrades will shine a light on the small towns of Taradale, Elphinstone, Campbells Creek, Newstead, Guildford and Chewton, near Castlemaine.

There are a range of improvements to Taradale’s streetscape. This includes new street trees, more parking spaces, improved footpaths, new street furniture and fresh paint on the footbridge over beautiful Back Creek.   

Across all towns, landscaping, new signage and infrastructure to support more outdoor dining are among the works that will boost local economies and bring communities together. 

Centred on each town’s main street, the important works will make it easier for locals to come together and highlight the unique characteristics of each town, enticing visitors to stop and stay longer.

In Guildford, steps and an access ramp lead to a picnic area and bust of Guildford-born Aussie Rules legend Ron Barassi, while in Campbells Creek, art by primary school students’ will be on permanent public display.

Elphinstone works included landscaping, new seating and paving at the town’s war memorial and a second flagpole meaning the town can fly the Aboriginal and Australian flag.

Additional car parking outside foodstores in Newstead and Chewton will make it easier for locals and visitors to access key local businesses.

The Regional Infrastructure Fund is part of the Government’s flagship Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund.

The Fund is key to the Government’s more than $36 billion investment across regional and rural Victoria since 2015. Information about the Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund are available at

Quote attributable to Minister for Regional Development and Member for Macedon Mary-Anne Thomas

“We know how important it is to revitalise streetscapes in our small towns – these works will bring more visitors to town encouraging them to stay longer which in turn will support local businesses and jobs.”  

Quote attributable to Member for Bendigo West Maree Edwards

“Locals across the Mount Alexander Shire know best what their towns need to thrive, and we’re listening and delivering the essential infrastructure they need.”

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