Review Into Chiropractic Child Spinal Manipulation

Wednesday 22 May 2019

An independent review into chiropractors manipulating the spines of children ordered by the Andrews Labor Government is calling on parents, chiropractors and health practitioners to have their say.

Minister for Health Jenny Mikakos today announced the start of the community consultation for the review, which is being run by Safer Care Victoria.

The findings of the Victorian review into the safety of spinal manipulation on children under 12 will guide the COAG Health Council on what needs to be done to ensure Australian babies and children are not being exposed to harm.

Anyone can now log into a survey on the Engage Victoria website – – and make a submission.

The survey asks why parents have accessed chiropractic spinal care for their child, whether they were satisfied with the information provided on the benefits and risks, and whether there were adverse effects.

It is also open to health practitioners, chiropractic, allied health and medical bodies and colleges for comment.

Safer Care Victoria has also established an independent panel of experts that is reviewing the available evidence following public concern about unsafe spinal manipulation on children under 12 by chiropractors.

Safer Care Victoria will provide its findings to the Minister for Health and any recommendations will be made to the COAG Health Council.

The panel is chaired by Safer Care Victoria CEO Professor Euan Wallace AM, who will be supported by the State’s Chief Allied Health Officer, Chief Medical Officer, experts in paediatrics and musculoskeletal care, consumers, and representatives from the Chiropractic Board of Australia and Australian Chiropractors Association.

Consultation will run until 21 June 2019.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Jenny Mikakos

“Now is the time for parents who have experienced the dangerous practice of child spinal manipulation to have a say and share their story.”

“We won’t rest until babies are protected from practices we know to be harmful, and that we can be sure children under 12 are not being exposed to harm.”

“The risks of spinal manipulations on newborn babies outweigh any benefits, but more needs to be known about children under 12. We need a national approach and that may involve changes to the law if necessary.”