Regional Victoria Strengthens Ties With China

Thursday 22 September 2016

Premier Daniel Andrews, and Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford today reaffirmed the Victoria-Jiangsu relationship at the 16th biennial meeting of the Victoria-Jiangsu Joint Economic Committee (VJJEC).

The Andrews Labor Government was joined by regional city and council leaders from Ballarat, Geelong, Latrobe, Shepparton, Warrnambool and Wangaratta who are members of the Regional Cities Alliance, which aims to strengthen ties between Victoria’s regional cities and their counterparts in Jiangsu.

At the VJJEC meeting, the group agreed on areas of cooperation for the next two years including:

  • Formalising bi-lateral relationships between State-Province cities under the Regional Cities Alliance;
  • Strengthening integration between industry and universities in research, investment and cooperation;
  • Collaboration in environmental protection, particularly through the Southeast University-Monash University Joint Centre for Water Sensitive Cities;
  • A Public Sector Leader Exchange program which will provide an opportunity for up to 3 Victorian public service officers and up to 3 Jiangsu public service officers to work in the other’s public service
  • Delivering joint projects under the technology and innovation agreement for projects focused on life sciences, information technology and advanced manufacturing.

The release of Victoria’s new China Strategy earlier this year signalled an important milestone in the development of Victoria’s relationship with China.

Key to this relationship is Victoria’s longest standing sister-state partnership of 37 years, with one of China’s most prosperous provinces, Jiangsu.

China is Victoria’s number one trading partner, with goods exports reaching $6.5 billion in 2014-15, as well as the state’s largest source market for international tourists and international students.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“Regional Victoria is open for business, and our relationship with our major trading partner can only strengthen these ties in bringing the very best to our thriving State”

“Today we’ve reflected on the significant achievements of the past two years and have laid the foundation for more successful partnerships in the years to come.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford

“This is an important milestone and we look forward to working closely with the Jiangsu Provincial Government to progress these initiatives and deepen cooperation in these key priority  areas over the next two years.”