Regional Development Portfolio Axed By Coalition

Monday 25 September 2017

In an extraordinary slap in the face to people in regional Victoria, Matthew Guy and Peter Walsh have abolished the Regional Development portfolio from the Coalition Shadow Cabinet.

In a desperate Grand Final week shadow cabinet reshuffle, Matthew Guy and Peter Walsh have revealed their true colours when it comes to regional Victoria – once again it’s to be treated as the state’s “toenails”.

This astonishing move is not only a direct snub to the hundreds of thousands of regional and rural Victorians, but would see the doors slammed shut on Regional Development Victoria, with many hard working Victorians thrown out of work.

After closing down TAFEs and cutting hundreds of millions of dollars from regional hospitals and schools when last in Government, the Liberals and Nationals have once again returned to form in their disdain for regional Victoria.

While Matthew Guy is busy trying to hold on to his job by trading shadow cabinet promotions for leadership votes, the Nationals have once again sold out regional Victoria.

This reshuffle shows Matthew Guy has neither the character nor the judgement to lead this state, with the Nationals more interested in seats around the Liberal shadow cabinet table than standing up for regional Victoria.

Quotes attributable to Acting Minister for Regional Development Jacinta Allan

“This is a kick in the guts to the thousands of hardworking families in regional Victoria.”

“Abolishing the Regional Development portfolio is not only insulting, it could see jobs lost and offices shut down across the state.”

“It’s proof the Nationals are as irrelevant as ever in Matthew Guy’s city-centric coalition.”