Protecting Women And The Ones They Love From Family Violence

Sunday 16 May 2021

The Andrews Labor Government is continuing its historic investment in addressing family violence and helping victim survivors and the ones they love find safety and support.

The Victorian Budget 2021/22 will deliver $44.1 million to support children affected by family violence and sexual assault, including adolescents who use violence at home.

The funding supports the statewide expansion of adolescent family violence programs, ensuring kids can access the counselling and care they need.

To intervene early and address problematic behavior, the funding will also extend sexually abusive treatment services and provide specialised sexual assault support to children and young people.

The Budget will also help people fleeing family violence find a safe place for their pets, with $1.3 million to support victim survivors of family violence to ensure the safety of, and ongoing connection with, their pets.

Research shows 53 per cent of people experiencing family violence reported their pets had been harmed.

National research has also found concern for pet safety can prevent women and children from reporting or leaving violent situations, and that leaving pets behind increases the risk of returning to a perpetrator.

The funding will provide financial assistance for refuge providers to supply kennels, cat baskets, vet care and accommodation.

It will also help family violence refuges and accommodation develop partnerships with vets, animal shelters and kennel operators.

Today’s announcements build on the more than $3 billion the Labor Government has invested to end family violence – more than every other government in Australia.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Women and Prevention of Family Violence Gabrielle Williams

“Pets can be a lifeline of support and comfort for people fleeing family violence, and leaving them behind increases the risk of returning to the perpetrator. This support will help victims of family violence and the ones they love to leave, with the knowledge that their family pet is also safe.”

“Children are too often the forgotten victims of family violence. This investment ensures more children can get the support they need to recover and rebuild.”

“As far as we’ve come and as much as we’ve achieved, there is still so much more to do. That’s why the Budget will continue our historic investment in supporting victim survivors and holding perpetrators to account.”

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