Protecting Victorians With A Disability From Abuse

Monday 30 April 2018

The Andrews Labor Government will better protect people with a disability from all forms of abuse, as part of a Victorian-first disability abuse prevention strategy.

Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing Martin Foley today launched Dignity, respect and safer services: Victoria’s disability abuse prevention strategy.

The plan introduces a new code of conduct for disability service workers and reinforces Victoria’s nation-leading zero tolerance approach to abuse. It also sets out actions to strengthen safeguards for people with a disability.

The code of conduct sets out the standards of behaviour expected of our disability service workers.

The strategy also outlines the Labor Government’s initiatives for individuals, workers and service providers to better understand, respond to and report cases of abuse.

Abuse is a violation of human rights and can include financial, physical, emotional and sexual abuse, as well as neglect.

A 2016 parliamentary inquiry into abuse in disability services highlighted the need to build a culture of zero tolerance of abuse, supported by a skilled and qualified workforce.

The Government responded with new safeguards to protect people with a disability, including legislation to embed a culture of zero tolerance, expanding the Disability Worker Exclusion Scheme and a new registration and accreditation scheme for workers.

The strategy will also ensure safeguards in Victoria are maintained and enhanced during the transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

To access the strategy visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing Martin Foley

“Any form of abuse in our disability services is abhorrent – and this strategy sets out a way forward to protect our most vulnerable, and hold the workforce accountable.”

“Victorians with a disability deserve to know they are safe when accessing disability services.”

“Our zero tolerance approach will ensure incidents are properly reported, investigated and responded to.”