Protecting Our Emergency Workers: Joint Statement

Monday 21 May 2018

The Andrews Labor Government has given The Police Association Victoria and the Ambulance Employees Australia Victoria assurances that anyone who attacks and injures an emergency worker will receive a custodial sentence.

Premier Daniel Andrews today met with representatives from The Police Association Victoria and Ambulance Employees Australia Victoria, on behalf of the Emergency Services Federation, regarding recent appalling attacks on emergency workers.

Our police, paramedics, firefighters and other emergency workers put their lives on the line every day to help keep us safe – it is unacceptable that they should be attacked or assaulted just for doing their job.

The Labor Government has agreed to introduce reforms to the Parliament in the coming weeks which will mean attacks resulting in injuries against emergency workers, including police, paramedics and firefighters will now be treated as category 1 offences and will require Courts to impose a custodial sentence, not a community based order such as a CCO.

This will treat these offences in the same category as murder and rape.

The exact details about how this will operate for juveniles will be agreed to between the Government and The Police Association Victoria and Ambulance Employees Australia Victoria over coming months.

The Police Association Victoria and Ambulance Employees Australia Victoria welcome the Government’s reforms and actions on this issue.

An Emergency Worker Harm Reference Group will also be set up to oversee the implementation of these reforms and will include relevant emergency service agencies and unions, such as The Police Association Victoria and Ambulance Employees Australia Victoria.

Premier Daniel Andrews

Ambulance Employees Australia Victoria Secretary Steve McGhie

The Police Association Secretary Wayne Gatt