Planning The Future With Our South Asian Communities

Tuesday 28 November 2017

The Andrews Labor Government is ensuring the voices of South Asian Victorians are heard with the establishment of a dedicated advisory body.

Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott today announced the South Asian Ministerial Advisory Council, which will create a direct dialogue between the Labor Government and representatives from Victoria’s Indian, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan, Pakistani, Nepalese, Bhutanese and the Republic of Maldives communities.

The Council will bring together 25 young and established community members across genders and a wide range of ages, cultural and religious backgrounds.

A key objective for the Council will be to develop a South Asian Communities Action Plan – roadmap for the future by identifying and addressing key issues.

Membership of the Council will include Minister Scott, 25 community representatives and the chairperson of the Victorian Multicultural Commission Helen Kapalos.

South Asian communities are a vital part of Victoria’s multiculturalism, and the Labor Government is working directly with them to provide whole-of-government responses to key social and economic challenges.

Victorians interested in nominating for a voluntary Council position are encouraged to submit an expression of interest and CV to by 22 December 2017.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott

“We want all South Asian Victorians to have a say in their future and be empowered to speak out about the challenges they face.”

“South Asian Victorians know the challenges they face and how to best solve them.”

“We want to engage directly with South Asian communities and work together to enrich Victoria’s dynamic multiculturalism.”

Quotes attributable to VMC Chairperson Helen Kapalos

“Victoria’s diverse South Asian communities contribute to our identity as a vibrant and cohesive society. The VMC is determined to ensure their voices are heard as they build an even stronger future in Victoria.”