Plan Melbourne Reboot: Minister Revamps City’s Vision

Friday 27 March 2015

The Andrews Labor Government is giving Plan Melbourne a reboot to ensure it delivers the kind of city the community needs.

Minister for Planning, Richard Wynne, will reconvene the expert Ministerial Advisory Committee that developed the original plan.

The first release of the draft version of Plan Melbourne attracted 450 submissions and had benefited from the involvement of 10,000 Victorians.

But the final plan included political elements aimed at last year’s election rather than 2050.

It focused on short-term politics and projects that bore little relationship to the long-term framework.

The Government will release the public submissions on the draft and get new advice that reflects the weight of submissions, the right priorities and key long-term projects.

New community consultation on a refreshed Plan Melbourne will be completed by the second half of this year.

The new plan is expected to be incorporated into the Planning Scheme in the first quarter of next year.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Planning, Richard Wynne

“Planning is about people, and the community was largely ignored in the first version of Plan Melbourne.’’

“A renewed Plan Melbourne will give a long-term vision for housing Victoria’s growing population, increasing jobs and liveability, integrating public transport and infrastructure and deal with climate change.’’

“I want to bring the community voice back to the process. We need to have the Plan Melbourne that the community and stakeholders intended; the one we were meant to have.”