Peter Couzens Reappointed Chair Of The Adult Parole Board

Thursday 26 October 2017

The Andrews Labor Government has today announced that His Honour Peter Couzens has been reappointed as Chairperson of the Adult Parole Board.

His Honour is a former Judge of the County Court of Victoria and President of the Children’s Court of Victoria, and also served as a Magistrate in Melbourne and regional Victoria for more than two decades.

Having served as Chairperson of the Adult Parole Board since 2015, His Honour has overseen the implementation of a range of reforms, which have significantly strengthened Victoria’s parole system.

Under his leadership, the board has continued to put the safety of the community first, while supporting the rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders.

The reforms implemented under his leadership and the board’s decision-making have already helped to substantially reduce the number of people convicted of committing serious offences while on parole.

He will serve as Chairperson of the Adult Parole Board until 2019.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Corrections Gayle Tierney

His Honour Peter Couzens has provided strong leadership for the Adult Parole Board over the last two years, and I am pleased to announce his reappointment.”

His extensive legal knowledge and deep understanding of the complex issues that underpin the parole system will continue to be an asset for the Victorian community.”

“I look forward to seeing His Honour continue to drive reforms to Victoria’s parole system that protect and serve the community.”