New Victorian Minister Says She Won’t Fight For Our Fair Share

Tuesday 19 December 2017

Hopes of Victoria finally getting a fair share of federal infrastructure funding are fading fast with newly-promoted Victorian Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie saying she won’t stick up for her home state in Cabinet.

When asked in her first interview since joining Cabinet whether she would advocate for an increase in infrastructure funding for Victoria, Senator McKenzie said:

“We’re not there to represent our states.” 774 Drive, 19 December 2017

The Senator's remarkably candid admission is yet another blow for Victorians, who continue to be dudded by the Turnbull Government.

Victoria is leading the nation in economic and employment growth, and is home to more than 25 per cent of Australia's population – yet it now receives a paltry 9.4 per cent of federal infrastructure funding.

In contrast, New South Wales is getting a mammoth 45.5 per cent of federal infrastructure dollars – an imbalance that is only expected to get worse with four politicians from New South Wales now in charge of federal infrastructure decisions.

In per capita terms, the extent to which Victorians are being shortchanged is even more apparent.

Over the five years to 2020-21, on average, while every person from NSW receives $411 on infrastructure funding, Queensland $359, Western Australia $272, South Australia $290, and Northern Territory $465 – Victorians are set to receive only $105

Hard-working Victorian taxpayers are forking out billions of dollars for projects in New South Wales, including:

  • $5.3 billion for Sydney’s second airport
  • $3.6 billion for the joint Australian Government and NSW Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan
  • $1.5 billion of funding and a $2 billion concessional loan for the WestConnex project in Sydney
  • $412 million for NorthConnex in Sydney

The Andrews Labor Government will keep fighting this Sydney-centric Liberal Government for our fair share, while continuing to invest in the job-creating projects Victorians voted for and need.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Major Projects Jacinta Allan

"Victorians should stick up for Victoria, not be cheerleading for Malcolm Turnbull and the infrastructure racket he’s running for his home state of New South Wales."

 “With every federal infrastructure Minister now from New South Wales, we need someone fighting for Victoria, not rolling over to city-centric Liberals."

 “Unlike Senator McKenzie, we’ll keep fighting for Victoria’s fair share.”