New Study Takes Aim At Male Suicide

Tuesday 18 July 2017

The recipient of a fellowship from the Andrews Labor Government’s medical research strategy is set to tackle the high incidence of suicide in working men.

Initial studies show stressful working conditions are a major risk factor for mental health problems and suicide among men, and the research aims to find the reasons and link workplaces into health services which can help.

Dr Allison Milner has received a four-year fellowship to research the issue and develop solutions – one of three worth up to $800,000 each – granted under the Labor Government’s $20 million plan to ensure Victoria stays a world leader in health and medical research that has the power to change lives.

The fellowship is intended to develop initiatives and strategies, in association with workplaces and the business community, to reduce the incidence of mental health and rates of suicide in working age men by linking them into health services.

The other fellowship recipients include:

  • Dr Bernard Pope, to develop solutions to aid the early detection and treatment of colorectal cancer
  • Associate Professor Ilana Ackerman, to research how and why hip and knee replacements can sometimes fail, and develop methods to minimise it

Last November, a new Science, Medical Research & Technology Panel was established to drive leadership and excellence in Victorian health and medical research, attracting more investment and jobs to Victoria.

The Labor Government is also investing in a range of suicide prevention measures across the state, with $27 million over four years for the Suicide Prevention Framework.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health Jill Hennessy

“It’s a sad indictment that too many men fail to seek help to deal with their mental health issues before it’s too late, and they often see suicide as their only recourse.”

“We’re determined to address suicide and a range of other health issues through our $20 million health and medical research program.”

Quotes attributable to Parliamentary Secretary for Medical Research Frank McGuire

“The Andrews Labor Government’s investment is driving medical research that can lead to a real difference and has the power to change lives.”

Quotes attributable to Science Medical Research & Technology Panel Chair Brigitte Smith

“The three fellowships were selected from a quality field of more than 100 eligible applications, and went through a rigorous assessment and shortlisting process to prioritise the key research projects which we are confident will have a real and lasting impact on people’s health and wellbeing.”