New Schools Cater To Diverse Needs Of Students

Wednesday 6 April 2016

All new Victorian Government schools will accommodate the diverse needs of students as a result of a new planning and building approach announced by Parliamentary Secretary Judith Graley.

Yesterday, Mrs Graley was joined by Member for Cranbourne Jude Perera at Cranbourne South West Primary School to outline how the Andrews Labor Government is delivering facilities that accommodate the diverse needs of students in Victorian schools.

The new approach to school design at Cranbourne South West Primary School demonstrates the significant changes in how schools will be planned and built to make sure that they accommodate all learners, including students with disabilities.  These new design principles will ensure that schools are accessible, adaptable, simple and intuitive to use, for example by providing:

  • Indoor learning spaces that can be adapted in design and layout, to best suit the social and educational needs of all students
  • Outdoor sensory areas, such as gardens and playgrounds, where students can better participate in learning activities.
  • Quiet and supportive re-engagement spaces, which some students can withdraw to if they are feeling overwhelmed or need to focus on a specific task

The design principles are incorporated into the 15 new schools being built under the $291 million Public Private Partnership school building project, and will be part of all new schools moving forward.  New guidelines that support regions and school communities to plan and prioritise investments for students with disabilities are being released, along with an updated handbook that focuses on inclusive design.

The 2015-16 Victorian Budget invested almost $4 billion in Victoria’s education and skills system – the single biggest boost to education funding in Victoria’s history. This includes more than $730 million to build new schools, upgrade existing schools and buy land to meet future demand.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino

“The 15 PPP schools are outstanding examples of how the Andrews Labor Government is delivering schools that accommodate the learning needs of all students, including those with disabilities and additional needs.” 

“The PPP schools, the new guidelines and the updated handbook will see these new design principles incorporated into all school projects in the future."

Quotes attributable to Parliamentary Secretary Judith Graley

“I congratulate Andrew Felsinger on his appointment as Principal of Cranbourne South West Primary School. I’m sure he is looking forward to getting on with the important work of providing a great new school for all students.”

Quote attributable to Member for Cranbourne Jude Perera

“We’re delivering the Education State and that includes schools that provide every student with the opportunity to receive a great education.”