New Primary School Opens Doors To Students In Gisborne

Thursday 3 February 2022

Families in the south of Gisborne now have more options for a great education close to home thanks to the Andrews Labor Government, with the brand-new Willowbank Primary School’s doors now open to students.

Minister for Education James Merlino and Member for Macedon Mary-Anne Thomas today visited the McGeorge Road site to officially open the primary school, part of the Labor Government’s commitment to deliver 100 new schools between 2019 and 2026.

The new primary school is one of 14 new schools to open their doors in 2022, and will provide 475 primary school places for students from Prep to Grade 6 in one of Victoria’s fastest-growing regions.

The school will be led by Principal Rynn Anderson, who brings a wealth of education experience to the role - most recently as principal of Tarneit P-9 College, another key growth area.

Willowbank Primary School features an administration building with a library, along with art, food and science learning spaces. There is also a dedicated performing arts and physical education building, two learning neighbourhoods, two outdoor hardcourts, a sports field, bike shed and playgrounds.

As part of the Labor Government’s promise to build a kindergarten on or next to every new Victorian primary school, Rothschild Road Kindergarten is co-located on the school site –helping  families ditch the dreaded double drop-off each day as well as making the transition from kinder to school easier for children.

In the past seven years, the Government has invested more than $10.9 billion in building new schools and more than 1,700 school upgrades – creating around 13,500 local jobs in construction and associated industries when Victoria needs it most.

To protect students, staff and school communities and reduce learning disruption, the Labor Government has delivered a full suite of COVIDSafe measures to keep schools safe and keep classrooms open.

Quote attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino

“When it comes to education, it’s only a Labor Government that will deliver quality schools in every corner of our state – and I’m so proud to see Willowbank Primary School open its doors for the new school year.”

Quote attributable to Member for Macedon Mary-Anne Thomas

Gisborne is growing – and I couldn’t be more thrilled to see families have another great local school option close to home. I can’t wait to be a regular visitor to see all the school’s successes.”

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