New Planning Measures For Greyhound Facilities

Friday 25 August 2017

The Andrews Labor Government has introduced new rules to streamline planning approval processes for new or expanding greyhound facilities.

The changes provide more certainty for greyhound facility owners and operators, so they know what can and can’t be built.

New rules will govern the scale of racing dog facilities, ensure appropriate setbacks from boundaries and neighbouring dwellings, require gates that prevent the escape of racing dogs and ensure landscaping is used to preserve views from nearby properties.

If these requirements are met, small facilities will not need planning permits and medium-sized facilities will be able to avoid a protracted advertising period.

Greyhound racing is an important industry in Victoria, employing almost 3,000 people and delivering more than $400 million in economic benefits to the state each year.

The new provisions follow an extensive consultation process with local community groups, industry experts and local governments.

The Government will closely monitor local councils to ensure the new provisions are being properly applied.

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Quotes attributable to Minister for Planning Richard Wynne

“These are sensible planning measures that will give local trainers and greyhound facility operators more clarity and certainty.”

“The greyhound racing industry in Victoria generates thousands of jobs and millions of dollars in economic benefits, and we will be keeping a close eye on councils to ensure this operates as it is intended.”

“We’re getting the balance right so new developments and upgrades don’t detract from nearby neighbourhoods and communities.”