New Plan For Rivers, Wetlands And Estuaries

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville today launched a new five-year plan to improve the health of Victoria’s rivers, wetlands and estuaries.

The Regional Riparian Action Plan delivers on the Andrews Labor Government’s election commitment to develop a strategy to improve riparian land.

The Government delivered an extra $10 million in the May budget to improve riparian land including land that runs alongside waterways – across the State through on-ground works, such as fencing to manage stock and revegetation programs.

The five­-year Regional Riparian Action Plan will accelerate this on-ground work and introduce new initiatives to improve the health of waterways.

The plan was developed in consultation with key stakeholders including catchment management authorities (CMAs), traditional owners, Landcare, Environment Victoria, the Victorian National Parks Association and the Victorian Farmers Federation.

Healthy waterways are environmentally important for a range of reasons including as habitat for native animals, providing a connection between areas of remnant vegetation, and as a filter for nutrients and sediments from catchment run-off.

Waterways are also important drivers of social, recreational and economic activity through fishing, tourism, walking and boating.

Well managed riparian land also has benefits for farmers including easier stock management and  access to better quality water for stock from troughs. Riparian vegetation also acts as windbreaks for protecting stock and reducing soil erosion.

The Regional Riparian Action Plan will be delivered with a range of stakeholders including the nine regional Victorian CMAs, Landcare and other community groups, and farmers.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville

“We are supporting the community and key stakeholders to improve the health of our waterways to protect the environment, drinking water supplies and the shared benefits they deliver for Victorian communities.”

“The Riparian Regional Action Plan and the $10 million delivered in the May budget will go a long way to maintaining and improving the health of our rivers and riparian land.”

“As well as being vital for the environment, healthy waterways are drivers of economic activity through tourism, recreational and social activities, and provide shared benefits for communities across Victoria.”

“This Plan and associated funding will help combat the impact of climate change on our waterways – as well as providing jobs through projects across regional Victoria.”