New Local Roads Funding Boosts Agribusiness

Thursday 26 October 2017

The Andrews Labor Government will deliver an additional $12.5 million to improve country roads and bridges to help farmers get their produce to market.

The Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford called on Councils to work with farmers and local agribusinesses to identify priority road projects for round two of the Local Roads to Market program.

In addition to announcing the launch of the second round of funding in Maryborough today, Ms Pulford announced six regional road projects that were successful in gaining a share of $3.1 million from round one of the program. The successful projects are:

  • Tullaroop Road - Chaplins Road intersection upgrade in Maryborough, with Central Goldfields Shire $400,000
  • Tatyoon Road upgrade and widening with Ararat Rural City Council $950,000
  • Yeungroon Road upgrade with Buloke Shire Council $306,000
  • Fithall Road and Ararat-St Arnaud Road Intersection upgrade with Northern Grampians Shire Council $100,000
  • Joel Joel Road widening works with Northern Grampians Shire Council $780,000
  • Trawalla Road pavement strengthening with Pyrenees Shire Council $581,000

Local Roads to Market is a key part of the Government’s Agriculture Infrastructure and Jobs Fund. The program supports rural, regional and outer-suburban councils to improve road connections and create more direct routes along Victoria’s road freight network to support farmers and agribusinesses.

Tight intersections, narrow and gravel roads and low load bridges are a frustrating barrier for primary producers and food processors who want to move their products to market quickly and economically.

Round one of the Local Roads to Market program is funding 29 projects across regional and rural Victoria, with total project investment worth $22.2 million. Round two is open to Councils now.

More information about the Agriculture, Infrastructure and Jobs Fund is available at

Quotes attributable to  Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford

“Agriculture is one of this state’s most important industries and we are determined to help our farm businesses and their supply chains improve productivity and compete in international markets.”

“We are making improvements where it counts – sealing Victoria’s bumpy gravel roads, fixing tight and dangerous intersections and strengthening bridges to get our great produce to market quickly and in top quality condition.”

“These upgrades will improve agribusiness and supply chain productivity and improve the country road network for all users. They are delivered in partnership with local councils and the Victorian Farmers Federation.”


Local Government Project Project Description Grant Total Project Cost
Ararat Rural City Council Tatyoon Road Upgrade and Widening Convert a section of Tatyoon Road from narrow to wide seal. Tatyoon Road is a transport link that traverses highly productive cropping and agricultural land and provides freight access to grain storage at Lakaput, Lake Bolac and Westmere. $950,000 $1,500,000
Buloke Shire Council Yeungroon Road Upgrade Charlton Reconstruct, widen and seal a section of Yuengroon Road. The road provides farmers with access to the Charlton Feedlot as well as a more direct route for many regional producers to other local agricultural sites. $306,000 $460,000
Central Goldfields Shire Tullaroop Road and Chaplins Road Intersection Upgrade Maryborough New road pavement to realign Tullaroop Road and Chaplins Road intersection. The upgrade will improve movement of heavy vehicles at the intersection, especially to agribusinesses at a nearby industrial area that provides transport, fertiliser and hay processing facilities for agriculture. $400,000 $600,000
Northern Grampians Shire Council Upgrade Fithall Road and  Ararat-St Arnaud Road Intersection Upgrade the existing intersection of Fithall Road, Arbuckle Road and Ararat-St Arnaud Road to improve heavy vehicle access for local producers Beazleys Bridge. $100,000 $150,000
Northern Grampians Shire Council Joel Joel Road Widening Works Widen the narrow seal segments of Joel Joel Road. The route caters for range of agricultural producers including cropping, hay, sheep, cattle, viticulture, poultry and piggeries accessing transport to markets. $780,000 $1,180,000
Pyrenees Shire Council Pavement Strengthening  Trawalla Road Project Brewster Upgrade approximately 4.5 km of existing pavement along Trawalla Road to improve transportation efficiencies for farms located along the road. $581,000 $1,162,000