New Laws To Support Body-Worn Cameras For Police

Tuesday 8 August 2017

The Andrews Labor Government will introduce new laws in Parliament today to ensure police officers can legally use body-worn cameras in their daily duties.

The Justice Legislation (Body-worn Cameras and Other Matters) Bill 2017 is the first tranche of legislation to support the use of body‐worn cameras when the devices are rolled out to frontline police next year.

Currently, the use of body-worn camera footage could constitute an offence if police were to inadvertently record a private conversation.

The Labor Government will amend the Surveillance Devices Act 1999 to create an exception that enables police to use the devices lawfully and ensure the footage is appropriately protected.

The reforms will pave the way for a subsequent Bill to support the use of body-worn cameras for recording statements in family violence matters and allow statements to be used by victims as their evidence-in-chief.

The legislation will implement a key initiative of the Labor Government’s $596 million Public Safety Package to give police the powers, resources and tools they need to keep the community safe – including body-worn cameras.

Field-testing of the cameras is expected in the first half of next year. The use of cameras will bring Victoria into line with other states, including New South Wales and Queensland, where the equipment is already in use.

Additionally, the Bill introduces new reforms to ensure that crucial information is provided to the Sex Offenders Registry as soon as possible.

The changes will amend the Judicial Proceedings Reports Act 1958 to make it clear that courts do not need to make sentencing remarks or appeal judgements anonymous before providing information to the Sex Offender Registry.

It will reduce delays in police receiving vital information and the administrative burden on courts.

Quotes attributable to Attorney-General Martin Pakula

“This is the first tranche of legislation to support the use of body-worn cameras for frontline police.”

“We will introduce further reforms to allow family violence victims to record statements which can be used in court.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police Lisa Neville

“Body worn cameras will be a critical tool to respond to family violence issues and other crimes in our community.”

“This legislation ensures that police have the powers they need, as we prepare to roll this technology out across Victoria.”