New Children’s Hub To Meet Kinder Demand In Cranbourne West

Thursday 19 May 2016

Families in Cranbourne West now have access to more kindergarten places thanks to the Victorian Government’s investment in early childhood facilities.

Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos was joined by Member for Cranbourne Jude Perera today, to officially open the new premises of Mayone-bulluk Family and Community Centre.

The $4.1 million new centre will offer 120 places across three rooms in its four-year-old kindergarten program.

Bringing family services and the kindergarten under one roof, the centre also has two maternal and child health consulting rooms, a meeting room and space for use by the community, including playgroups and parenting groups.

The Victorian Government contributed $1.6 million towards the new children's hub, with the City of Casey also contributing.

$10 million for major capital projects for kinders and children’s centres in Victoria’s fastest-growing areas including the City of Casey is currently available in grants. Councils and service providers in high-growth areas are encouraged to apply.

This funding is on top of $50 million over four years from the Labor Government to develop modern and flexible early childhood centres across Victoria.

The Labor Government is making Victoria the Education State – and this means giving all kids access to high-quality early years services no matter where they live.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“The Andrews Labor Government is making Victoria the Education State – which means improving our early childhood education facilities to give every child the best start in life.”

“Early childhood hubs, such as this at Mayone-bulluk, provide flexible program and meeting spaces that provide for the whole community.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Cranbourne Jude Perera

“This one stop shop gives the families of Cranbourne West a range of early childhood services all under the one roof.”