New Chair For Federation Square

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Acting Minister for Tourism and Major Events Philip Dalidakis today announced the appointment of Deborah Beale as the new Chairperson of Fed Square Pty Ltd.

Ms Beale will bring a wealth of leadership and governance experience to the delivery of world-class events and exhibitions as Federation Square looks to rejuvenate and capitalise on its great location by the Yarra in the heart of Melbourne.

Ms Beale has had a distinguished career in the finance industry, having worked for Merrill Lynch and Ernst & Young, and has broad experience in corporate governance, fundraising, public relations and risk management.

She has also served and continues to serve on a number of government, private and not-for-profit boards, including the Arts Centre Melbourne Foundation.

Federation Square is a major tourism drawcard, being home to year round major cultural attractions, events, tourism experiences and a range of bars and restaurants.

Quotes attributable to the Acting Minister for Tourism and Major Events Phil Dalidakis

“Federation Square plays an important role as a meeting place for the community and as a cultural centre, attracting more than 10 million visitors annually.”

“Deborah Beale’s expertise and leadership skills will help ensure Federation Square remains on top of its game and continues to be at the cutting edge of technology and the visitor experience.”

Quotes attributable to the incoming Chair of Fed Square Pty Ltd Deborah Beale

“I’m honoured to take up this important role as Chair of Fed Square Pty Ltd, particularly at such an exciting time for the site.”

“Federation Square has proven a huge success and is enjoyed by so many Melburnians and visitors to our city. We look forward to continued rejuvenation and innovation for the site which is such an iconic part of the Melbourne cityscape.”